Friday, September 11, 2009



LEVEL: Form 4

TIME: 1 hour
AIMS: To locate and discuss information on the Web, to practise difficult vocabulary, to watch a video, identify and brainstorm the correct answers to the given task.

1. One computer for two students
2. Internet connection
3. Web Browser
4. JCross Worksheet


1. Locate sites which gives information on going green in saving the earth
2. Using information from the sites and create worksheet
3. Check the sites before lesson


Set Induction
1.Teacher asks students on the current issue that affect the world. Students respond by giving various answers which then brings to the topic of global warming.
2. Teacher asks students on what they know about global warming and what can they do to save the earth which brings to the issue of going green.

Task 1
1. Teacher gives the prepared worksheet and asks the students to answer the questions given in the worksheet. Teacher gives instructions before allowing students to fill in the worksheet. Students work in pair and they are supposed to look for the answers in the chosen site.
2. While completing the worksheet, students note some difficult vocabularies. When they have finished, teacher put up the answers on board, students check their answers. Then, teacher discusses on the worksheet and the vocabulary problems which the students encountered earlier.

Task 2
1. Teacher sends students to another chosen website and asks them to watch and listen to the video published in the web.
2. Teacher then discussed about the video together with students. Students have to work in pair and identify the answers in the crossword.

1.Teacher recaps the lesson by asking students what they have learnt today.

Follow- up Activity
1.Teacher asks every student to write a paragraph of what they think about going green and they have to submit the short paragraph through their email.


1. Websites

2. Worksheets

Friday, August 28, 2009

Article Review

Sun,Y.H (June 2009). Voice Blog: An Exploratory Study of Language Learning. Language Learning and Technology, Volume 13 (Number 2). Retrieved August 18, 2009, from

a.Title: Voice Blog: An Exploratory Study of Language Learning
b. Language Learning and Technology, Volume 13, Number 2
c. YU-CHIH SUN. She is an associate professor at the Institute of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages at National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. Her research interests include computer- assisted language learning, academic writing and speech instruction.

This article is a research based journal in which the purpose of the study is to report on the integration of class blogs into L2 speaking courses and to examine (a) the effect of blogs on participants’ learning processes and learning strategies, and (b) the participants’ perception of the learning experiences afforded by blogs. The study aims to provide a theoretical and a pedagogical foundation for the premise that extensive practice on blogs can constitute an integral part of instruction, and that blogs enable students to structure their thoughts and make them publicly available in a way that is rarely possible in other media. The research questions to guide this study are (a) what are the learners’ learning processes and learning strategies in voice-blog activities? (b) what emerging themes characterize perceptions of participants’ blogging experiences? For the data collection of this study, two methods were used which are by distributing questionnaires and conducting interviews. There were 46 participants involved in this study. They are the college students in Taiwan of 15 female and 31 male. They were put into two classes where they involved in a course. The purpose of the course, which is a part of the study, was to enhance students’ oral proficiency in English by providing them with opportunities to practise speaking and to enhance their public presentation skills. These include lectures on public speaking, video demonstrations of speech delivery, in- class discussion and role-playing. Students were required to submit their observation report and the class met for two hours weekly. The first hour of the class is where public- speaking skills were developed. In the second hour, students practise on themselves with the public speaking presentation, feedback dissemination and organizations of the meetings. Class blog was set up to enable students to share their experiences and give feedbacks to one another. Students went through a series of blogging stages, including conceptualizing, brainstorming, articulation, monitoring and evaluating, and used a wide variety of strategies to cope with blogging- related difficulties. In the finding, it was found out that students’ perceived blogging not only as a medium to learn but also a medium to self- presentation, information exchange and social networking.

In my opinion this research article is a very interesting and informative for all readers and for the future researcher whom interested of doing the same topic. As technology was used in this study, it can be implemented in the classroom for language learning. I found out that learning through voice blog is very interesting compared to the normal learning classroom. Students are able to share their opinions and feedbacks in the blog without feeling ashamed. By having all the comments, home for improvement is available for the students. This research was well conducted. Nevertheless, eventhough the course was a short ones, all the students were improved by the end of the course. This can be seen on the blogs they posted as seen in the article. I will fully recommend this course to be implemented in the ESL classroom. This is because, by blogging students were involved in the stages which were the conceptualizing, brainstorming, articulation, monitoring and evaluating. By using voice blogging too, students claimed that they have better time management and better preparations. However, this study could be improved by having more students to involve in the voice blog. Besides that, it was claimed that majority of the students have no idea on how to start a topic, this is where the teacher plays a vital role in guiding them through all the stages. Moreover, it was also stated that students were concern about popularity, thus students could make their blogs more interesting by adding more games or maybe forum that could get more people to visit their blogs and respond to it. In conclusion, voice blog is really useful in making teaching and learning of language more effective and fun to all parties. (650 words)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

first blog..

good morning!!!

Hi first blog ever!! anyway, i lurve this class....not to mention the slow connection of internet connection & unable to create my account coz someone kinda "took" my email add to register earlier....huhu... but i'm glad now that i have overcome all that in one hour!!..everyone here busy typing & that includes ME! nevertheless, i'm looking forward to type better stuff in here including alll my assignments of course!!